Parcourez par nom et titre
The Abaleda Voluntary Firehouse Band
Alanis Morissette: You Oughta Know
Alone at Ninety Foot 2
Amazing Grace: The Story of the Hymn
Anfousse, Ginette
Archambault, Yves
Aubin, Michel
Bailey, Linda
Barrière, Mireille
Bedard, Michael
Beethoven Lives Upstairs
Benjamin & la saga des oreillers
Bergeron, Alain M.
Bertrand-Paradis, Claudine
Bienvenue, Pierrette
The Boogie-Woogie Bear
Le Bossu de l'Île d'Orléans
Bouchard, David 2
Boulet, Tania
Bowers, Vivien
Brière, Marie-Paule
Brott, Ardyth
By Truck to the North: My Arctic Adventure
Calixa Lavallée
Cameron, Scott
Cantin, Paul
Cathcart, Yvonne
Centre Walk : Former Students of the Ontario School for the Blind (the W. Ross MacDonald School) Recall School Memories 2
C'était un 8 août
Chan, Harvey
Chang, Carol Hama
The Changeling
Chanson pour Frédéric
Charko, Kasia
Une Charlotte en papillote
Charlotte et l'île du Destin
A Child's Treasury of Nursery Rhymes
Choyce, Lesley
The Clay Ladies
Clement, Gary
Collins, Heather
Concerto pour violon et cigales
Crouse, Richard
Demers, Barbara
Denton, Kady MacDonald
Desputeaux, Hélène
Le Diapason ensorcelé: Les aventures d'Étienne et de Maude
Do, ré, mi, échec et mat
The Dragon New Year: A Chinese Legend
Dubuc, Suzanne
Eastman, Dianne
Echoes from the Square
Edquist, Verne 2
Emma Albani: La diva, la vedette mondiale
Eugen, Irene C.
The Fabulous Song
Falling Into You: The Story of Céline Dion
Fernandez, Laura
Fitch, Sheree 2
Funny You Should Ask: Weird but True Answers to 115 1/2 Wacky Questions
Gagnon, Cécile 2
Gauthier, Bertrand
Gauthier, Liette
Gay, Marie-Louise 2
Gillmor, Don
Gilmore, Rachna
Gingras, Charlotte
Glenn Gould
Glenn Gould: The Genius and his Music : A Biography for Young People
Good Idea Gone Bad
Granfield, Linda 2
The Great Poochini
The Great Race
Greenwood, Barbara
Grégoire, Hélène
Grills, Barry
Hamilton, Arlene
Hartmann, Barbara 2
Heartsong/Ceòl Cridhe
Hobbs, Dan
Hofer, Ernst
Hofer, Nelly
Holdcroft, Tina
Holubitsky, Katherine
Horrocks, Anita
Houston, Deryk
Houston, James
How Can a Brilliant Detective Shine in the Dark?
Huang, Zhong-Yang 2
Huston, Nancy
Hutchins, Hazel
If You Could Wear my Sneakers!
L'Île joyeuse
Jacobson, Rick
James, Janet Craig
Je joue du saxophone
Jeremy's Decision
Jorisch, Stéphane 2
Joseph Casavent, le facteur d'orgues romantique
Le joueur de flûte d'Hamelin
Kacer, Kathy
Kalman, Bobbie
Kalman, Esther
Kampen, Vlasta van
The Kugel Valley Klezmer Band
Kushner, Donn
Labrèche-Larouche, Michelle
Labrosse, Darcia
Lacombe, Jean
Langlois, Suzane
Lasser, Olivier
The Last Safe House: A Story of the Underground Railroad
Latulippe, Martine
Lauzon, Vincent 2
Lawrence, Iain
Lemelin, Linda 2
Lemieux, Michèle
La Liberté? Connais pas...
La Ligne de trappe
Lohans, Alison
Lottridge, Celia Barker
MacAulay-MacKinnon, Patsy
The Maestro
Maheux-Forcier, Louise
Major, Henriette
Make or Break Spring
Martchenko, Michael
Mathieu, Francine
McCormack, Rosemary
McNaughton, Janet
Meikle, Marg
The Minstrel Boy
Music for the Tsar of the Sea: A Russian Wonder Tale
Musical Instruments from A to Z
La Musique des choses
My Name Is Louis 2
Nathaniel's Violin
Nichol, Barbara
Nickel, Barbara Kathleen
Noël, Michel
O'Keeffe, Frank
Oppel, Kenneth
Papineau, Lucie
Paré, Roger
Péan, Stanley
Pearson, Debora
Pelletier, Maryse
Le piano et son âme
Plaisirs de musique
Plante, Jacques
Poulin, Stéphane
Quand le chat est là les souris dansent
Rêves de gloire
Robert-Sauvé, Mathieu
Rosalie à la belle étoile
Row, Richard
Roy, Lynette
St-Aubin, Bruno
Sarrazin, Marisol
Sauvé, Gordon
A Screaming Kind of Day
The Secret of Gabi's Dresser
The Secret Wish of Nannerl Mozart
Shania Twain: On my Way
Shoot for the Moon, Robyn
Silent Night: The Song from Heaven
Simard, Danielle
Simon et la musique
Simon, l'espion amoureux
Les Souliers d'or
Stella, Star of the Sea
Stewart, Sharon
Stuchner, Joan Betty
Sylvestre, Daniel 2
Symphonie, rock n'roll
Tait, Les
Tchaikovsky Discovers America
Le Temps s'enfuit
There is Music in a Pussycat
Thompson, Richard
Tibo, Gilles
Un tour du monde en musique
Trapped in Ice
Trottier, Maxine
Turnbull, Andy
La Vallée des enfants
Vanasse, André
The Violin-Maker's Gift
Vladimir et compagnie
A Voice and A Dream: The Céline Dion Story
Walters, Eric
Watson, Marlene
Weekend at the Ritz
Wellburn, Elizabeth
What They Don't Know
Wieler, Diana
Willa's New World
Williams, Dallas
Wilson, Janet
Withers, Mary
Wow Canada! : Exploring this Land from Coast to Coast to Coast
The Wreckers
Wynne-Jones, Tim
Young, Dianne