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Back, Frédéric |
Backyard Time Detectives |
Bailey, Linda |
Le Bal des finissants |
Bédard, Michael |
Before Wings |
Being with Henry |
Bell, William, 2 |
Ben Caribou |
Bernèche, Jean |
Beshwaty, Steve |
Bianchi, John |
Bichou et ses lunettes |
Bip |
Blanpain, Jacques |
Blue True Dream of Sky |
Bonneville, Michèle |
Bouchard, Jacqueline |
Bowers, Vivien |
The Boy in the Burning House |
Brochard, Phillippe |
Brooks, Martha |
Brouillet, Chrystine |
Buissonneau, Paul |
Butler, Geoff |
By Truck to the North : My Arctic Adventure |
The Canadian Junior Green Guide : How You Can Help Save Our World |
Caron, Romi, 2 |
Cassidy, Sean |
Castles in the Sea : All about Icebergs |
Caterpillar to Butterfly |
Chabin, Laurent, 2 |
Charko, Kasia |
Charlie Wilcox, 2 |
Charlotte porte-bonheur |
Chickadee |
The Chicken Cat |
A Child's Enchanted Garden |
Christophe au grand cœur |
Claire's Gift |
The Clay Ladies |
Le Collectionneur de vents |
Le Complot |
Connections: Finding Out about the Environment |
Côté, Geneviève, 2 |
Crabbe |
Croteau, Marie-Danielle, 2 |
Cyrus : L'encyclopédie qui raconte |
Cyrus : L'encyclopédie racontée |
Dabinett, Diana |
Daigle, Évelyne |
Dead Water Zone |
Degler, Teri and Pollution Probe |
Delaunois, Angèle |
Le Délire de Somerset |
Demers, Dominique |
Derome, Pierre-André |
Desrosiers, Danièle |
Desrosiers, Sylvie |
Dickinson, Terence |
Dion, Nathalie |
Drawson, Blair |
Duchesne, Christiane, 2, 3 |
Farmer, Patti |
Farris, Katherine, 2, 3, 4 |
Fernandes 4 |
Fernandes, Eugenie, 2 |
Fernandes, Henry |
Fernandes, Kim |
Fernandes, Matthew |
Fernandez, Laura |
The First Red Maple Leaf |
For the Birds |
Forcier, Céline |
Forest Mammals |
A Forest of Suspicion |
La Forêt des soupçons |
La Fouille aux grenouilles |
Franson, Leanne |
Friesen, Gayle |
Funny You Should Ask : Weird but True Answers to 115 ½ Wacky Questions |
Gagnier, Hélène |
Gagnon, Cécile |
Gauthier, Bertrand |
Gauthier, Élisabeth |
Gauthier, Gilles |
Gay, Marie-Louise, 2, 3 |
Gaya et le petit désert : histoires à conter dans la main |
Gillmor, Don |
Gingras, Charlott |
Giono, Jean |
Le Glacier : Récits d'aventure |
Godkin, Celia |
Goobie, Beth |
Gourbault, Martine |
La Grande aventure d'un petit mouton noir |
Granfield, Linda |
Granger, Dominic |
The Grave |
A Great Round Wonder : My Book of the World |
Gregory, Nan |
Grenier, Daniel |
Grenon, Macha |
La Grenouille et la Baleine |
Guillet, Jean-Pierre, 2 |
Kacer, Kathy |
Kalman, Bobbie, 2, 3 |
Katz, Welwyn Wilton |
Kilby, Don |
The Killick : A Newfoundland Story |
Kiss, Andrew |
Krykorka, Vladyana |
Kupesic, Rajka |
Kusugak, Michael Arvaarluk |
Laberge, Marc |
Ladybug Garden |
Langevin, Isabelle |
Langlois, Suzane |
Lavoie, Jean-Guy |
LeBox, Annette, 2 |
Lee, Dennis |
Lemieux, Michèle, 2 |
Lewis, E. B. |
Libre! |
Lightburn, Ron |
Loates, Glen |
Loignon, Nathalie |
Looking for X |
Lost in the Barrens |
Lussier, Geneviève |
Le Lutin du téléphone |
MacGregor, Roy |
Machálek, Jan |
The Magic Powder |
The Magnificent Piano Recital |
Major, Henriette |
Ma nuit dans les glaces |
The Man Who Made Parks : The Story of Parkbuilder Frederick Law Olmsted |
The Man Who Planted Trees |
Markoosie |
Mary Margaret's Tree |
Mativat, Marie-Andrée |
Maynard, Meredy |
McKay, Sharon E., 2 |
McLellan, Stephanie Simpson |
McNaughton, Janet, 2 |
McNevin, Dale |
Meikle, Marg |
The Messenger of Spring |
Michouette |
Mikey Mite's Mighty Problem |
Miller, Ruth |
Miracle at Willowcreek, 2 |
Mollel, Tololwa M. |
Monette, Lise |
La Montaison |
Montpetit, Isabelle |
Morning on the Lake |
A Mountain Alphabet |
Mowat, Farley |
My Arctic 1, 2, 3 |
My Rows and Piles of Coins |
La Mystérieuse Bibliothécaire |
Oberman, Sheldon |
L'Œil de la nuit |
Oppel, Kenneth, 2, 3 |
Où sont passés les dinosaures? |
Ouellette, Francine |
Owl's Question & Answer Book : Answers to Questions Kids Ask about Birds, Cats, Bats, UFOs and More, 2 |
Owl's Question & Answer Book 2 : Answers to Questions Kids Ask about Dinosaurs, Horses, Snakes, Space and More, 2 |
Rebound |
Reczuch, Karen |
Reid, Barbara, 2, 3 |
La Revanche d'Ani Croche |
Reynolds, Marilynn, 2 |
Richardson, Bill |
Le Rocher apprivoisé |
Rouleau, Michel, 2 |
Ruurs, Margriet |
Une saison au paradis |
Savan, Beth |
Schaub, Janine, 2 |
The Screech Owls' Northern Adventure |
Le Secret de Misha |
The Secret of Devil Lake |
The Secret of Gabi's Dresser |
The Secret under My Skin, 2 |
Seed to Sunflower |
The Shaman's Nephew : A Life in the Far North |
Simard, Benjamin, 2 |
Simard, Danielle |
Simon et la ville de carton |
Simon et le soleil d'été , 2 |
Simon in Summer |
Slavin, Bill, 2 |
Soulières, Robert |
Spalding, Andrea, 2 |
Speak to the Earth |
St-Aubin, Bruno |
Stella, étoile de la mer |
Stella, Queen of the Snow |
Stella, reine des neiges |
Stella, Star of the Sea |
Stewart, H. E. |
Stories from Chickadee 1979 |
Stories from Chickadee 1981 |
Stormy Night, 2 |
Strauss, Stephen |
Sunwing , 2 |
Sutherland, Robert |
Suzuki, David, 2 |
Sylvestre, Daniel |
Tait, Les |
Tanaka, Shelley, 2 |
Tant qu'il y aura des baleines…: À la découverte des cétacés duSaint-Laurent |
Taylor, C. J. |
La Tempête du siècle |
Le Temps s'enfuit |
Testa, Nicole |
Therrien, Maurice |
Thomson, Tracy |
Thornhill, Jan |
Tibo, Gilles, 2, 3, 4, 5 |
Tikta'liktak : An Inuit-Eskimo Legend |
Tookoome, Simon |
Topher |
A Tree in a Forest |
Tremblay, Carole |
Trottier, Maxine |
Trudel, Sylvain |
The True Meaning of Crumbfest |
Turgeon, Élaine, 2 |
Turnbull, Andy |