ARCHIVED - Early road map of Alberta, 1922, by the Automobile Roads Association of Western Canada - The Canadian West - Exhibitions - Library and Archives Canada
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Early road map of Alberta
Larger image Ref. No.: NMC-023283
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Motor roads in western Canada, ca. 1928Motor roads in western Canada, ca. 1928
Highways map of the prairie provinces, 1931Highways map of the prairie provinces, 1931

Early road map of Alberta
1922, by the Automobile Roads Association of Western Canada

Encouraged by the promotion of western parks as vacation wonderlands, a number of agencies began publishing maps designed specifically for motorists, particularly American motorists. The road map shown here was published in 1922 by the Automobile Roads Association of Western Canada, a group that led a public crusade for improved roads and signage. It is probably the earliest road map of Alberta.

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